Mystical Master Numbers

 Go to our website and get mustang money free slots. Hurry up to go and start winning. Several years ago, people around the world were deeply moved by the rescue of thirty-three miners in Chile, who had been trapped underground for thirty-three days. The faith and courage of everyone who was involved was profoundly inspiring.

Buy a new best hunting flashlight. Limited offer! The entire event brought the world’s attention to the number 33, which emerged in several ways. There were 33 miners, it took 33 days to drill the hole, and there were journalists from 33 different countries on the scene.

The number 33 is one of the multiples of 11 that are considered to be Master numbers. As the number of Christ consciousness and the Master Teacher, it indicates a person who is so strongly committed to truth and right action that they are willing to make personal sacrifices, and if necessary to make the ultimate sacrifice.  There is nothing subtle about the 33 energy.  These people are creative, outspoken, and unrelenting in pursuit of their cause. You'll find the best free spins ohne einzahlung casino here, you have time to get it!

The number 22 is also a Master number. As the Master Builder, the 22 indicates an individual who is capable of creating something of lasting value, of leaving a legacy that will benefit and often bring wealth or improved circumstances to large numbers of people. They are visionaries who will take on a daunting task and bring grand ideas into tangible form. It is also interesting to note that when the number 22 is present in an individual profile, that person is likely to attract wealth that is directly proportionate to the good that they do for others.

The psychic number 11 is a seeker of truth and enlightenment. (The word light adds up to 11.)This individual may have a large degree of nervous energy and may often set extremely high expectations for him/her self and others. Individuals with this number in a prominent position attract a lot of attention. In fact they can be charismatic figures who are capable of either doing much good or gaining notoriety.

As with all other numbers, the energy of the Master numbers can be expressed in positive, life enhancing ways, or in negative and destructive ways.

A Master number may appear in your full name, (at birth), one of your individual names, in your day of birth, or in your complete date of birth. They can also appear as a temporary vibration, such as a major cycle, pinnacle, personal day, month, or year. The position of any Master number in your profile indicates the degree to which its energy is affecting your life.

Master numbers have the strongest influence in our lives when they are arrived at by combining  the full name at birth (total expression) or the complete date of birth (life path). This is a definite indication that you have “put your hand up” for a major assignment in this life time, and that you are meant to direct your efforts to uplifting others and healing the planet.

If you would like to know more about how Master numbers are affecting your life, call 403-667-8932 or e-mail [email protected] today to order your Sacred Journey Lifescape or to book your personal numerology reading.