Healing With Numbers

Go to our website and get mustang money free slots. Hurry up to go and start winning. Numbers offer guidance in all areas of your life, including your health. Just as your personal year number will guide you in arriving at a focus and directing your energy for the best possible results, it will also guide you in maintaining your health.

Buy a new best hunting flashlight. Limited offer! Your personal year begins on your birthday, your solar return. Calculate your personal year by adding the number of your month of birth, to the number of your day of birth. If your last birthday was in 2013, add 6 to that first total. If you’ve already had your 2014 birthday, you will add 7 to your first calculation.


Dec. 14, 2013:  12+14=26  26+6=32  3+2= 5  This person is in a 5 personal year.

Jan. 3, 2014:  1+3=4  4=7=11 This person is in an 11 personal year

The following descriptors will show you the best strategies for wellness according to the number of your personal year:

1 Turn down the volume on that mind chatter. Be careful not to take on too much. Avoid multi-tasking and be willing to ask for help when you need it. Check into complimentary therapies, and/or bring in some new members onto your personal health care team. You'll find the best freespins ohne einzahlung here, you have time to get it!

2 Pace yourself. This year favours deep healing at a subconscious level. Classical music is particularly beneficial, as is any kind of sound therapy. Consider hypnosis, and spend time near water.

3 Pay attention and stay mindful of safety. Do not deplete your energy by sending too much of it out in too many directions. Your health is enhanced by laughter and creativity. Playing with children will nurture your own inner child.

4 Structure and routine in any area of your life have a positive healing effect. Take care not to work too hard, and build in time for rest and renewal. Follow through with doctors’ appointments, lab tests etc. Focus on fitness and nutrition. Connect with Mother Earth.

5 External pressures and unexpected events may cause increased stress. Avoid over-indulgence. Physical activity, light, colour, and sound therapies are helpful. You need a change; travel, of long or short duration helps you gain perspective.

6 There may be added responsibilities and/or concerns about loved ones. You may have a tendency to feel depressed or “stuff” your emotions. Bring balance, harmony, and positive energy into your life through tai chi, yoga, music, and the arts. Make your personal environment a nurturing space.

7 You are on a plateau. You need your rest, and quality time to yourself. Avoid being too sedentary as this could cause weight gain and negativity. Choose positive, uplifting movies and books. Hypnosis, journaling, meditation, and swimming will bring clarity.

8 You have ambitious goals, many projects on the go, and possibly some contentious or stressful issues to deal with at work and at home. Listen to your body and pay attention to your physical needs. This can be a good time to lift weights, get to the gym, or join a competitive sports team.

9 You are sending a lot of energy out in several directions and certain events may bring a sense of loss. Schedule time to replenish, connect with healers and light workers, and go on a retreat. Take every advantage of opportunities to rest and heal on all levels.. You will heal yourself as you offer love and compassion to others.

11 Slow down! Don’t get caught up in nervous energy and mind chatter. Be aware of potentially harmful effects of electronic media, as well as certain individuals and places. Connect with light workers and energy healers. You benefit greatly from acupuncture, pranic healing, Reiki, or hypnosis.

22 You are working very hard and may feel inundated with details. Prioritize and manage your time carefully.  Drink water, rest, eat natural foods, and avoid mood swings. This is a watery, emotional vibration. Spend time near water or travel overseas.

33 Sing your song and speak your truth. Listen to trusted health care professionals. You may need to let go of a person, valued possession, or situation that has outlived its purpose and is no longer bringing your highest good. Release with love and compassion, and take comfort in the arts and creative expression.

Wellness is a connection of paths, knowledge, and action.” ~ Joshua Welch

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